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How to query a remote ClickHouse server

In this guide, we're going to learn how to query a remote ClickHouse server from chDB.


Let's first create a virtual environment:

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

And now we'll install chDB. Make sure you have version 2.0.2 or higher:

pip install "chdb>=2.0.2"

And now we're going to install pandas, and ipython:

pip install pandas ipython

We're going to use ipython to run the commands in the rest of the guide, which you can launch by running:


You can also use the code in a Python script or in your favorite notebook.

An intro to ClickPy

The remote ClickHouse server that we're going to query is ClickPy. ClickPy keeps track of all the downloads of PyPi packages and lets you explore the stats of packages via a UI. The underlying database is available to query using the play user.

You can learn more about ClickPy in its GitHub repository.

Querying the ClickPy ClickHouse service

Let's import chDB:

import chdb

We're going to query ClickPy using the remoteSecure function. This function takes in a host name, table name, and username at a minimum.

We can write the following query to return the number of downloads per day of the openai package as a Pandas DataFrame:

query = """
toStartOfDay(date)::Date32 AS x,
sum(count) AS y
FROM remoteSecure(
WHERE project = 'openai'

openai_df = chdb.query(query, "DataFrame")
openai_df.sort_values(by=["x"], ascending=False).head(n=10)
               x        y
2392 2024-10-02 1793502
2391 2024-10-01 1924901
2390 2024-09-30 1749045
2389 2024-09-29 1177131
2388 2024-09-28 1157323
2387 2024-09-27 1688094
2386 2024-09-26 1862712
2385 2024-09-25 2032923
2384 2024-09-24 1901965
2383 2024-09-23 1777554

Now let's do the same to return the downloads for scikit-learn:

query = """
toStartOfDay(date)::Date32 AS x,
sum(count) AS y
FROM remoteSecure(
WHERE project = 'scikit-learn'

sklearn_df = chdb.query(query, "DataFrame")
sklearn_df.sort_values(by=["x"], ascending=False).head(n=10)
               x        y
2392 2024-10-02 1793502
2391 2024-10-01 1924901
2390 2024-09-30 1749045
2389 2024-09-29 1177131
2388 2024-09-28 1157323
2387 2024-09-27 1688094
2386 2024-09-26 1862712
2385 2024-09-25 2032923
2384 2024-09-24 1901965
2383 2024-09-23 1777554

Merging Pandas DataFrames

We now have two DataFrames, which we can merge together based on date (which is the x column) like this:

df = openai_df.merge(
suffixes=("_openai", "_sklearn")
            x  y_openai  y_sklearn
0 2018-02-26 83 33971
1 2018-02-27 31 25211
2 2018-02-28 8 26023
3 2018-03-01 8 20912
4 2018-03-02 5 23842

We can then compute the ratio of Open AI downloads to scikit-learn downloads like this:

df['ratio'] = df['y_openai'] / df['y_sklearn']
            x  y_openai  y_sklearn     ratio
0 2018-02-26 83 33971 0.002443
1 2018-02-27 31 25211 0.001230
2 2018-02-28 8 26023 0.000307
3 2018-03-01 8 20912 0.000383
4 2018-03-02 5 23842 0.000210

Querying Pandas DataFrames

Next, let's say we want to find the dates with the best and worst ratios. We can go back to chDB and compute those values:

SELECT max(ratio) AS bestRatio,
argMax(x, ratio) AS bestDate,
min(ratio) AS worstRatio,
argMin(x, ratio) AS worstDate
FROM Python(df)
""", "DataFrame")
   bestRatio    bestDate  worstRatio   worstDate
0 0.693855 2024-09-19 0.000003 2020-02-09

If you want to learn more about querying Pandas DataFrames, see the Pandas DataFrames developer guide.